Setting up JabberHTTPServlets


My current solution is Java, Apache, Tomcat with XSL in the wings.


Apache directory structure :: make these directories






Tomcat directory structure :: make these directories














css file :: Cascading Style Sheet


make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html

ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberhttpservlets/css/jabberhttpservlets.css jabberhttpservlets.css

servlet html files

Note :: you will probably replace the references to localhost with your hostname.


make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html

ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberhttpservlets/html/registeruser.html registeruser.html

applet jar files

Note :: make a link to the applet jar file, or the reload will not work


make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html

ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberapplet/JabberApplet.jar JabberApplet.jar

applet html files


make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html

ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberapplet/applet.htm applet.htm

Environment variables

export TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2

export CLASSPATH=.:$TOMCAT_HOME/lib/servlet.jar

Suggested project directories :: make these directories

Note :: ~ = your home directory



Note :: Java src code


Note :: the following directories support the package structure, I use these to stash the class files





Note :: create the following to store javadocs


Shell scripts

Note :: the shell scripts can live with the Java, or elsewhere if you change your PATH

bldall :: builds servletcomm and httpservlets

cp2tomcat :: copies class files up to tomcat

Note :: you may want to change cp to sudo cp

jabberservlets.config :: jabberhttpservlet creature

Note :: if this file exists, and the servlet enables reading it, you can override various parameters without recompiling


Edit this file and compile project to create your default values

Tomcat configuration


