My current solution is Java, Apache, Tomcat with XSL in the wings.
html and css files live in Apache and the servlets get there through Tomcat links
servlets generally allow config file values to override compiled in defaults. For static servers you can turn the config file on and off to cut out file io where it is not useful
jabberhttpservlets.config lives with Tomcat
You are building the jabberhttpservlets from my source, although I will provide compiled classes
Although servlets are providing functionality for applets, they will also provide functionality for other http interfaces.
Apache 1.3.6 is installed
Blackdown version of JDK1.2.2 is installed (Java distribution for Linux)
Tomcat version 3.1 is installed
make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html
ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberhttpservlets/css/jabberhttpservlets.css jabberhttpservlets.css
Note :: you will probably replace the references to localhost with your hostname.
make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html
ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberhttpservlets/html/registeruser.html registeruser.html
Note :: make a link to the applet jar file, or the reload will not work
make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html
ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberapplet/JabberApplet.jar JabberApplet.jar
make a link in :: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jabberhttpservlets/html
ln -s $APACHE_HOME/jabberapplet/applet.htm applet.htm
export TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.2.2
export CLASSPATH=.:$TOMCAT_HOME/lib/servlet.jar
Note :: ~ = your home directory
Note :: Java src code
Note :: the following directories support the package structure, I use these to stash the class files
Note :: create the following to store javadocs
Note :: the shell scripts can live with the Java, or elsewhere if you change your PATH
bldall :: builds servletcomm and httpservlets
cp2tomcat :: copies class files up to tomcat
Note :: you may want to change cp to sudo cp
Note :: if this file exists, and the servlet enables reading it, you can override various parameters without recompiling
Edit this file and compile project to create your default values